Culture 73 LLC, is a dynamic media platform that is passionately dedicated to reshaping the perception of hip-hop culture in mainstream media.

At Culture 73 LLC, we recognize the profound impact of hip-hop, which emerged on August 11, 1973, in the vibrant borough of Bronx, New York City, as a powerful force for social revolution. Our mission is to uphold and celebrate this rich legacy by showcasing the transformative power of hip-hop through various expressions of the creative arts.

With a Midwest base, Culture 73 LLC takes pride in providing exclusive and comprehensive coverage of live music, talented artists, hip-hop festivals, and captivating interviews with both established and emerging hip-hop artists. Our commitment to authenticity ensures that we give voice to major and independent artists, allowing their unique perspectives and stories to shine.

As the hip-hop culture evolves and grows, so do we. Culture73.com remains at the forefront of this transformation, offering a blend of engaging and educational community events that both empower and entertain the hip-hop community, with a special focus on the vibrant and diverse Great Lakes Region.